Chroma Mix
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Chroma Mix
A game of Engine Building and Color Theory
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"Chroma mix is an unusual and idiosyncratic game about mixing colors. It's also an utter delight."
- Space-Biff
"It is challenging, it is fun, and it results in a really interesting solo experience. And it is just a deck of cards that has repeated cards! It blows my mind."
- Tabletop For One
"I love the artwork, I love that you are mixing colors, I love the flavor text on here, I love just about everything. It makes me think of comic books, a nice printed magazine, and how those colors can really pop out on a page."
- Board Again Games
Print and Play
here for a Duplex (double-sided) print and play file instead of a Gutterfold print and play file.
Reasons Why People Love
Chroma Mix
Simple Rules
Clever Combos
Small Box
Fast Playtime
Deep Strategy
Beautiful Graphics